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Talk to 10 users

Talk to 10 users

  1. Read talking to users and Mom Test

  2. Interview 10+ users and record it.

  3. Post your learnings on Linkedin / Twitter, comment on 3 other people’s posts.

  4. Share your Linkedin post on Discord #goals

  5. Every month we’ll pick $100 USD prize winners for great research

  6. Keep going. You’ll need to talk to 100+ users to build a 10x better product.

Are you solving a real problem? You’ll never know until you talk to users.

Are you making something that users want? Or are there lots of existing solutions that are good enough?

You have to make something new or 10x better for people to switch.

Mom test is a good resource, but they advise not to show users your product and ask if they would use it. They also advise not to ask users what they want. I disagree.

Show users mock ups of your product, ask them directly:

Would you use this?

Would you pay for this?

If users tell you your product is great, they might just be being polite. Are they just being nice?

Ask them to actually commit to paying you. Sign a letter of intent or put down a credit card. Or at the very least sign up to a wait list.

At ContactOut we like to ask:

What’s something really valuable to your business that you are not getting from current software vendors?

Hypothetically if you were to write me a check for $100,000 tomorrow. What problem would I need to solve for your business to make that happen.

Ask users what they want you to build. They ask them why they want that, and think about how you can best meet their needs.