Day 0
Demo Request – Blackline
Hi {{first_name}},
I wanted to follow up with a quick note regarding your request for a demonstration of BlackLine.
In order to get this setup, can we first connect for 15-20 minutes? It helps to guide the demo if we can get a little more information about your current process and to get a better understanding of what is bringing you to BlackLine. Alternatively, you can let me know via email your requirements.
What is your availability for a call this friday? If it is easier, please let me know a time that works best for you.
Best Regards,
John Doe
Business Development Representative
Direct: | Cell: 9999.8888 | Web: https://www.blackline.com/
Day 1
Re: BlackLine Demonstration Request
Hi {{first_name}},
I tried to call you at 88889999 but there was no response.
I just wanted to follow up with an email.
I understand that you have requested a demonstration of BlackLine’s solution. I would be happy to facilitate that for you. In order to do so, can we have a quick 10 minute call to see what is bringing you to BlackLine, and to answer any questions that you may have?
Please let me know a time that suits you and I will set up a call.
Kind regards,
John Doe
Business Development Representative
Direct: | Cell: 9999.8888 | Web: https://www.blackline.com/
Day 8
Re: BlackLine Demonstration Request
Hi {{first_name}},
Sorry for the late reply. We just came back from our conference overseas.
I don’t have Zoom but I can do it on Microsoft Teams.
Are you free for a call later today at 4 pm? Alternatively, we can do it next week. I am free after 1 pm for the whole week next week except for 6th of February, Tuesday.
Please let me know what day works best for you.
Best Regards,
John Doe
Business Development Representative
Direct: | Cell: 9999.8888 | Web: https://www.blackline.com/
Day 12
Re: BlackLine Demonstration Request
Hi {{first_name}},
You might have overlooked my message below.
Please let me know a suitable time and date for you for a brief teams meeting.
Best Regards,
John Doe
Business Development Representative
Direct: | Cell: 9999.8888 | Web: https://www.blackline.com/
Day 13
Re: BlackLine Demonstration Request
Hi {{first_name}},
Thank you for you reply.
I will schedule a short Microsoft Teams meeting tomorrow at 1 pm to know more about your requirements.
This is not a demo session or a presentation about Blackline. It is just to understand more about your company and why you are keen for a demo.
Best Regards,
John Doe
Business Development Representative
Direct: | Cell: 9999.8888 | Web: https://www.blackline.com/
Day 13
{{first_name}} and John
Hi {{first_name}},
Please accept my meeting invite for a short MS Teams Meeting to understand your requirements
and the reason why you are keen to have a demo of our solution.
Day 14
{{company_name}} and Blackline
Hi {{first_name}},
It was nice speaking to you just now. As discussed, I am scheduling our meeting on {{date&time_stamp}}
Also, we are data source agnostic therefore Stripe integration is not an issue.
Jane Doe, my account executive from BlackLine will be with us on this call and will be able to answer any questions you have on Blackline.
Meeting Agenda
Introduce you to BlackLine
Learn About your Finance and Automation Processes
Discuss exactly how BlackLine can streamline your Processes
Determine room for any additional value in the processes
Succes Stories from Blackline in the retail space
Action Items on next steps
Thereafter a tailored demo can be arranged for better understanding how BlackLine will exactly sit within your system and bring value to your organization.
I hope this helps you to understand what to expect from this meeting and if you have any more questions, I am happy to assist.
We will do this via Teams and the link is below.
Day 25
{{company_name}} and Blackline | 30-minutes call
Hi {{first_name}},
This is a gentle reminder that we have a meeting today at 11:30 am
Best Regards, John
Day 26
Re: {{company_name}} and Blackline
Hi {{first_name}},
It was really nice speaking with you yesterday.
Please see attached for the slides shared earlier in the call.
I have also included a short demo video (less than 10 minutes) for your review prior to the next meeting.
As for the next steps, I will get back to you on the suggested time slots for the next meeting. In that next meeting, we will be going through more details around your current pain points, challenges and the current process at {{company_name}}.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Have a great day!
Warm Regards,
Jane Doe
Account Executive – Mid-Market APAC
Direct: +65 88889999 | Web: https://www.blackline.com/