Day 0
401(k) with Captain401 (YC S15)
Hi {!first_name},
As you continue to innovate over at {!company_name} , I thought I’d drop you a quick note introducing Captain401, a Y-Combinator backed 401(k) provider that offers investment advising and automates all administration by syncing with payroll.
Do you have 10-15 minutes this week or next to discuss your current plan (if you have one) and what employee benefits you’re looking to or currently providing?
— John Doe | Captain401 Account Executive Captain401 | (650) 123-4567
Press: WSJ | TechCrunch | VentureBeat If you’d like me to stop sending you emails, please click here
Day 5
Re: 401(k) with Captain401 (YC S15)
Hi {!first_name},
Following up on how we can help make your employees love you even more than they do now by setting up an amazing 401(k) plan (or improving your current one) that saves them taxes and earns them money.
Do you have 15 mins for a call over the next week?
— John Doe | Captain401 Account Executive Captain401 | (650) 123-4567
Press: WSJ | TechCrunch | VentureBeat If you’d like me to stop sending you emails, please click here