Day 0
Analytics for {!company_name}
Hi {!first_name},
Have you thought about analytics for voice and chat assistants? Dashbot is an analytics company that provides unique insight-to-action data for chatbots and voice assistants.
We have over 4,200 bots on our platform and have processed over 6.7 billion bot messages. We support Facebook, Slack, Google, and Kik natively, and have a generic API for any conversational interface.
Check it out for free: https://www.dashbot.io. Let me know if you have any questions or if you’d like a demo!
Thanks, John
Dashbot, Developer Evangelist www.dashbot.io Connect with us: Facebook | Twitter | Blog | MeetUp
Day 7
Re: Analytics for {!company_name}
Hi {!first_name},
That is the most popular question we get from customers – Should my bot be using buttons or free-form text?
We took a look at the data and found that it depends on what industry you’re in and what your goal is.
Learn when buttons work and when they don’t from our industry report.
Let me know if you have any questions about bots!
Dashbot, Developer Evangelist
Connect with us: Facebook | Twitter | Blog | MeetUp
Day 10
Re: Analytics for {!company_name}
Hi {!first_name},
Everyone wants to know how their bot is doing compared to other bots in the market.
I know its performance is important to you, so here are a few things Dashbot equips you with:
Market Metrics: See how your bot stacks up competitively with other bots across all messaging platforms.
Live Transcripts: View transcripts with rich media – videos, audio, locations, etc. Conversation Funnel: Follow message flows to improve AI response effectiveness.
Sign up for free: https://www.dashbot.io. Let me know if you have any specific reports you’d like to see!
Thanks, John
Dashbot, Developer Evangelist www.dashbot.io Connect with us: Facebook | Twitter | Blog | MeetUp
Day 14
Re: Analytics for {!company_name}
Hi {!first_name},
Hope you’re doing well! Following up here to see if you can point me to the right contact at {!company_name} to talk about chatbot and voice analytics.
Check it out: www.dashbot.io.
Thanks, John
Dashbot, Developer Evangelist www.dashbot.io Connect with us: Facebook | Twitter | Blog | MeetUp
Day 20
Re: Analytics for {!company_name}
Hi {!first_name},
I haven’t heard from you, so I’m assuming {!company_name isn’t interested in advanced conversational analytics at this time.
Just a reminder about how we can help – You can view detailed bot analytics & competitive market metrics, analyze conversation transcripts, track message funnels, optimize referral campaigns, understand sentiment & demographics, and add human-in-the-loop to your bot .
If priorities change on your end, feel free to reach out!
Will miss you a bot, John
Dashbot, Developer Evangelist www.dashbot.io Connect with us: Facebook | Twitter | Blog | MeetUp