Day 0
Hello {!first_name},
I noticed that {!press_name} recently mentioned {!company_name}. Congratulations!
I am sure you are very busy, but are you carving some time to plan your worldwide expansion?
Headquartered in San Jose, my company e2f is a translation and localization company specialized in websites, mobile apps, startups and marketing content, with clients such as Coherent, Strava or Toca Boca to name a few.
May I get 10 minutes of your time to discuss your localization strategy and how we could help you quickly and efficiently reach new markets?
Please let me know when would be a good time to discuss, or who would be the right person to talk to in your organization.
Thanks in advance,
Mary Doe, Account manager s: skype.id c: 123.456.7891
John Doe Account Executive | Sopro