Day 0
Are you really…you?
Hi {{first_name}},
It’s getting harder and harder to know if someone is who they claim to be online.
Identity theft is on the rise and account takeovers tripled in 2017 from the previous year, with losses that totalled $5.1 billion. That means you have to worry about whether that person on the other end of that online transaction is really who they say they are.
That’s where identity verification and authentication strategies become a critical component of your online business processes.
If this is top of mind for you and your business, maybe it’s worth having a chat this week?
Kind Regards,
John Doe Sales Development Representative Mob: +44 555 666 555
Day 4
What’s your mothers maiden name?
Hi {{first_name}},
What was the make and model of your first car? What was your elementary school? What is your mother’s maiden name?
These are all questions that consumers have probably answered more times in the last 5-10 years than in every year of their life combined. If you’re still relying on this type of “knowledge-based” verification and assuming that only the real person will know the answers to these questions,” then you’re putting your organization at risk.
The sad truth is that hackers at this point are more likely to know a consumer’s data better than the consumer knows it, thanks to large scale data breaches and the Dark Web.
You should evaluate a fast and low-friction alternative to KBA. Are you free tomorrow?
John Doe Sales Development Representative Mob: +44 555 666 555
Day 7
Don’t mess up on-boarding
Hi {{first_name}},
How do businesses find that sweet spot where they’re able to let the legitimate customers in while keeping the fraudulent ones out? Prioritizing fraud detection adds incremental friction to attain higher levels of identity assurance. Too much friction and conversion rates drop off and you’re left with disenfranchised prospects.
Focusing on conversions often means reducing the friction during the account creation process. But, this translates to lower levels of assurance and fraud detection, which means more bad actors access (and pollute) your organization’s ecosystem.
If you’re looking for a few best practices on how to walk this fine line, let’s chat.
John Doe Sales Development Representative Mob: +44 555 666 555
Day 11
15 minutes?
Hi {{first_name}},
I know I’ve been hounding you a bit over the last few weeks but, there’s a good reason for my persistence. I genuinely believe that our capabilities fit your needs for online identity verification and ongoing user authentication.
We help organizations just like yours onboard new customers faster, defend against online fraud, and protect your growing online ecosystem. Are you free this week for a quick sync?
Do you have time to meet later this week for a quick sync?
John Doe Sales Development Representative Mob: +44 555 666 555
Day 14
Questioning your beliefs?
Hi {{first_name}},
Sometimes, the old ways of doing things just doesn’t cut it.
That’s especially true in the world of online identity verification — thanks to near-daily data breaches, the rise of the Dark Web, and some pretty sophisticated hackers. You really need to know who you’re onboarding and who is actually logging into their accounts.
That’s why I want to encourage you to give our solution a quick try via either iOS or Android. Our identity verification solutions integrate natively into virtually any platform (web, mobile web, native iOS/Android).
It would be great to get your feedback and explore further if you like what you see.
John Doe Sales Development Representative Mob: +44 555 666 555
Day 18
Just checking in
Hi {{first_name}},
Our online identity verification solutions provide the checks and balances necessary to increase conversions and reduce abandonment rates while protecting your organization’s ecosystem.
We’ve baked a ton of technologies and innovation into our award-winning solutions, including AI, OCR, computer vision, and biometrics to deliver a solution that is fast, simple, and very, very accurate.
And that’s why I want you to test out our solutions firsthand via iOS or Android app stores. I will step into the background while you battle-test our solution and run it through its paces.
Go on, give it a try. I would love to get some feedback later this week, if you’re free…
John Doe Sales Development Representative Mob: +44 555 666 555