Day 0
Thanks for signing up, should we chat?
Hi {!first_name},
Thanks again for signing up for a trial with LeadIQ. Hope it’s going well for you.
Are you available for a quick meeting to discuss your use case and see if we can assist in any way? If not, no rush. Enjoy the trial and I can follow up later if help is needed.
If so, simply click on the link below to schedule a time in my calendar.
Click here to set up a time
Cheers, John Doe
Day 9
LeadIQ features you don’t know about
Hi {!first_name},
How’s your trial of LeadIQ going so far?
Did you know LeadIQ also works for teams, has unlimited use plans, and can get mobile phone direct dials of prospects? We can also enrich spreadsheets, and sync with popular email tools. – all to help you win more.
If this seems interesting, let’s have a quick call / walk-through. I know you’re busy and I don’t want you to miss anything.
Click here to set up a time
Cheers, John Doe
Day 22
Last call for LeadIQ meeting
Hi {!first_name},
You’re almost through your personal trial of LeadIQ and I thought I’d reach out once more to offer any help.
You can certainly sign up for LeadIQ on your own, although if you have any of the following needs, a meeting will be beneficial.
Cheers, John Doe