Day 0
Your LinkedIn profile had me thinking
Hi {{first_name}},
We’ve been connected for a bit and your name popped up on my LinkedIn feed the other day and thought I might reach out after looking over your profile.
I’m thinking of launching an informal mastermind of IT/Consulting Business Owners, maybe 5 or 6 of us… we just do it on Zoom.
No charge or anything like that. Everybody shares something that’s working right now in the business for revenue growth. 90 minutes total maybe, and hopefully all pick up some things from each other that can help us moving forward.
It’s the kind of thing I want to do more of, but I don’t want to travel more than I already am, or commit to any big long term thing. So I figured, why not do this informally with some folks in the industry I’m already connected with.
If you’re interested, let me know and I’ll put you on the list. Hoping to get it scheduled in the next few weeks.
Count you in?