Day 0
Appointment request
Hi {!first_name},
I’m John, marketing manager at OptiMonk. We provide the most popular onsite retargeting tool for Shopify, which you can check here: https://apps.shopify.com/optimonk.
We have an award-winning strategy for increasing the number of leads, by spending less time, effort, risks, however more potential. It is something we’ve been working on in our marketing department and I would love to share it with you.
I’ve checked {!company_name} and I believe we have the same target market which is Shopify, so I thought this cooperation can be beneficial for both of us.
I would really appreciate a 15 minute call with you to share further details. I believe it will be huge for both of us.
Thanks, John
John Doe OPTIMONK www.optimonk.com
Try it: Free trial for 14 days
Day 4
Re: Appointment request
Hi {!first_name},
Sorry to disturb you, but did you get a chance to look at my email below?
I guess you get quite a lot of unsolicited requests, but I truly believe a call with me will be worth your time. I’m not trying to sell you anything (really).
Thanks, John
John Doe OPTIMONK www.optimonk.com
Try it: Free trial for 14 days
Day 5
Re: Appointment request
Hi {!first_name},
I just wanted to follow-up on my previous email. I would value an opportunity to share my ideas with you – and it won’t take more than 15 minutes of your time!
Thanks a lot in advance and looking forward to your reply.
Thanks, John
John Doe OPTIMONK www.optimonk.com
Try it: Free trial for 14 days
Day 11
Re: Appointment request
Hi {!first_name},
I think I’m reaching the pain in the butt threshold. I know the use case is really strong for you – just give me a few minutes of your time to prove it.
Please let me know either way whether you’d like to cooperate or not. Sometimes a “no” is just as good as a “yes” in my world.
Thanks, John
John Doe OPTIMONK www.optimonk.com
Try it: Free trial for 14 days