Day 0
Invitation: {{first_name}} + John – PandaDoc Demo Request
Thanks for booking time to meet! I’m looking forward to reviewing your needs and what brought you to PandaDoc.
Meeting link: {{link}}
Agenda for your call with John:
Review your use case and requirements.
Discuss how PandaDoc can be a solution to your problems and meet your goals.
Determine the appropriate next steps.
John Doe
Day 1
Our meeting in two hours – PandaDoc
Hi {{first_name}},
I look forward to connecting with you today at {{date&time_stamp}}. In case you need it I’ve included our meeting link below.
John Doe
Note: if you need to reschedule last minute, please use the following link: {{link}}
If you no longer wish to connect for our meeting, please click here to cancel: {{link}}
📹 Demo call
Day 15
Invitation: {{first_name}} and John Follow Up
John Doe is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting