Day 0
Sopro brief chat
Hi {{firsname}},
I’m looking for the right person at {{company}} for a quick chat about helping you out with some sales prospecting.
I didn’t want to sound like every other email so here’s a cow fail instead.

Regards, John
John Doe Account Executive | Sopro
Day 1
Sopro intro
Hi {{firstname}},
I saw this and couldn’t resist……any good times to speak later this week?

Best, John
John Doe Account Executive | Sopro
Day 3
Hopefully of interest – John/Sopro
Hi {{firstname}},
Third times a charm!
As you can tell, I am very keen to speak with {{company}}. If I am barking up the wrong tree with you, could you point me at the right person to speak to? If I am at the correct tree, not that I’m calling you a tree, can we speak?
Best regards, John
John Doe Account Executive | Sopro