Day 0
An idea for {{company_name}}
Hey there {{company_name}} team,
I found you on Product Hunt and think your product is fantastic. Your slogan – {{company_slogan}} intrigued me, so I decided to check out your website, and here I am finally, reaching out to you.
Usersnap can make the whole UAT process much faster so you can concentrate on building amazing products. Just like this.
{{Company Website Screenshot}}
Let me set this up for you for free. Do you have 15 min to discuss this further? Click on this link to book a meeting with me.
Day 4
Re: An idea for {{company_name}}
Hi {{company_name}}’s team,
In case you didn’t see my previous email, here is an idea of what Usersnap can do for you 😎
{{Company Website Screenshot}}
I can’t promise we’ll be a good fit, but I can assure you the chat will be a somewhat-entertaining reprieve from the current pandemic insanity. Just pick a slot on my calendar that suits you most.
P.S. I know that future business isn’t top-of-mind for you right now, so I’ll pop back in your inbox in a week or so. Hope {{company_name}} is having an easy transition to remote life!
Day 26
Re: An idea for {{company_name}}
Hey {{company_name}} team, typically when I haven’t heard back from someone it means they are either swamped or aren’t interested.
I just wanted to double-check, does it make sense to move this further and show you personally how you can make the {{company_name}}’s offerings more customer-centric? If so, please choose the time that suits you best here 💪
Just let me know, so I can act accordingly. Otherwise, I will keep sending you occasional emails, assuming you didn’t see my emails.
All the best, John